Book Our Trailer

Private events are not open to the public (birthdays, graduations, weddings). The menu is pre-arranged, and the host is paying for all the food (pricing below).
$1000 Minimum (Sunday)
( Minimum covers up to 60 people)
Additional Details About Pop-Ups
Just choose from our available dates, and we'll get you on the calendar. When the day comes, we roll up to your curb and crank out some pizza for you and your neighbors.
Once the date gets close, you can let your friends and neighbors know we're coming and invite them to place an order. We'll set up a special ordering link just for you!
Are there any requirements?
We need a level spot to set up our tent (10 ft x 10 ft) and we need access to an electrical outlet to power the oven. Driveways are ideal, but we can do lawns too as long as they are dry.
Do you charge a fee to come to our neighborhood?
No fees. We make our money from the sale of our delicious pizza.
Do we need to guarantee you a minimum number of orders?
For pop-ups in Montclair, we have no minimums, but ask hosts to commit to make a "good faith effort" to get us orders for at least 30 pizzas (that's about 15 families).
What else do I need to know?
We frequently sell out, so make sure your neighbors know to place pre-orders as early in the week as possible to ensure we can accommodate everyone the immediate neighborhood.
What does a host need to do on the day of the pop-up?
When we get there, we'll need access to an electrical outlet a place to set up (street, lawn, driveway, ect). Other than that, we don't need anything else.